About Jas-mar Paints & Stains
Welcome to the Jas-Mar Paint & Decorating Centre, your one-stop shop for quality paint, blinds, and shutters.
Jas-Mar is proud to help people find the right solution for the decorating needs, from window treatments, to outdoor deck protection to painting projects at home or at work. We long ago made a commitment to carry only quality products, and to back up our products with experienced staff and friendly customer service.
Jas-Mar has served the Cornwall and Eastern Ontario markets for over 31 years. Jim Cicchini began the business and been joined by sons Mark and Jeff, and together offer many decades of experience and detailed product knowledge. In 2003, the company moved into a spacious new store in Cornwall’s downtown core.
We invite you to explore this web site in greater detail. You’ll find information on the brands of paint, blinds, and shutters we carry, as well as tips and techniques to make your projects go smoothly.
Personalized Expertise at your finger-tips
Get the customer service your home deserves and get your projects completed right, the first time.
(613) 933-8924
Work with us on your next project
We provide our customers with ideal solutions and produce exceptional results.
“The owners of this store are incredibly knowledgeable. They have great suggestions and can match paints from any type of sample! We took a small piece of drywall from behind an electrical faceplate and Jeff was able to match the paint colour perfectly! We love buying our paint from Jas-Mar!”
John Parision from Cornwall